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Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Truth passes over the horizon behind us, and we wonder where we're headed now.

Even though the war is over, the President can't help but make up newer and crazier reasons why he needed to send American's sons and daughters to kill and die. The newest gutbuster:

Defending the broader decision to go to war with Iraq, the president said the decision was made after he gave Saddam Hussein "a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in."
Did he misspeak? Was he confused? Or was he so emboldened by the success of the PR campaign to link al Quada and Saddam that he now believes that he can say any old shit, and people will believe him?

Weapons inspectors couldn't find anything because Saddam was really good at hiding stuff. We know where it all is, but we can't tell you. It was snuck out to Syria during the war. The truck makes anthrax. Uday swallowed all the yellowcake. There were no inspections. The war was a popular revolution. There was no war. Hit us with the little Men in Black flashy-forgetty thing, and move on to the next war.

I cannot imagine how people find GW Bush or his entourage at all believable any more.

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