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Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Jumping the gun

Okay, my mistake. I guess you have a few weeks left to get in on the Gaffe-o-meter, because all sources seem to be saying the call Sunday or Monday is out.

Fine. But I can't understand why the Liberals want to take more time - their eleven attack ads are all ready.

"If Stephen Harper becomes PM you'll have two health-care options," says the stark white text on the black screen.

"Be rich or don't get sick."


"In 2003, Stephen Harper urged Canada to join the U.S. invasion of Iraq," the on-screen text reads as the sound of machine-gun fire and fighter jets plays in the background.

"He said, 'There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein operates programs to produce weapons of mass destruction.'


"If Stephen Harper was prime minister last year, Canadians would be in Iraq this year," it reads.

"Choose wisely. Choose Paul Martin and the Liberals."


"Stephen Harper says, quote, west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada, people who live in ghettos and who are not integrated into Western Canadian society.

"What's Harper saying? New Canadians shouldn't be allowed to vote."
I think the Liberals are going to have to be very careful about which of these they use. Casting Harper as a racist will not fly, when the Alliance Conservatives have the most ethnically diverse caucus in the house. Talking about two-teir health could bite them in the collective ass, considering Pierre Pettigrew's comments last week. But the Iraq ad? That baby's gold, everywhere in this country except among the hard core old-timey Reformers, who kind of secretly wish they were Americans themselves.

I can't wait to see the attack ads against the other parties. "Jack Layton wants you to ride a bicycle, and take a bus. If Jack Layton were Prime Minister today, your Lincoln Navagator would be scrap metal." "Gilles Duceppe wants to break up the country. I mean, completely!"

Can we get on with the election, already? What are we waiting for?

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