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Thursday, April 17, 2003

Let's pick on another line from Ezra's column

The anti-war Left has no shame. This week should have brought a wave of apologies from those who opposed liberation, second-guessed generals, or questioned U.S. motives in the war.
Really? I would have thought the lack of WMD would have brought apologies from the right for starting the war on false pretenses.

Why haven't any weapons of mass destruction been found? Because there probably aren't any, says Hans Blix. Haven't I been saying that for months, now? Haven't many, many people on the left been saying that for months now? When will UN weapons inspectors be allowed to return to Iraq to confirm this, one way or another?

Someone asked me on a discussion board why I wanted UN inspectors. Are they the only ones who can recognise a WMD, I was asked?

Perhaps not. But they are the only ones who could recognise a WMD and be believed. Anything found by American military personel will be dismissed by much of the world as planted evidence. Too bad, but you can't convince me that the country that brought you fake connections with Niger and al Quada hasn't earned the mistrust of the world on the subject.

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