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Friday, December 15, 2006

Now the game is afoot!

It's too early to say anything for certain, of course, but I have to say that leaving one-time Liberal Gene Zwozdesky and famously moderate Gary Mar off the front benches of the government today suggests Premier Stelmach might just be steering a course for the provincial Tories rightward.

On the other hand, politically, Ted Morton had to get a cabinet post, and perhaps his placement in Sustainable Resource Development will render him relatively harmless, unless he decides that the best way to deal with the mountain pine beetle is with some sort of firewall.

Nonetheless, it isn't a cabinet that inspires any confidence in me.

(Also: Oberg? Finance? Talk about pulling his political life out of the fire with the quick Stelmach endorsement during the runoff week - I figured he was headed to the back bench to stay after his campaign of bizarre accusations.)

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