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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Can we have that inquiry, now?

The more we learn about the case of Maher Arar, the more concerned I become. Now, it seems, Canada was a source of information about Arar to the Americans, though the Solicitor-General is convinced we weren't the only source.

That's supposed to make us feel better? This leaves two huge questions - did Canada give no protest, even tacit approval, to the Americans to send Arar to Syria; and did the United States send Arar to Syria essentially torturing him by proxy while pretending not to sully their own hands? In fact, connect those two questions, and we have to ask how clean our own hands are.

But I'm sure an inquiry would prove this all an elaborate paranoid fantasy. So perhaps we should have one.

Update: Matthew has more detail on the case, and calls for a public inquiry as well.

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