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Friday, December 09, 2005

The gaffe-watch army

I almost feel as if I should pass on control of this blog to my smart and attentive commenters and e-mailers, who are catching more good stuff than I ever would have.

First off today is Finance Ministry Communications Director John Embury calling the media representative of a seniors' rights group, Bill Gleberzon, "Old and confused". That's some slick media relations, all right! Unfortunately, it's unclear to me at this point if Embury can really be called a representative of the Liberal party, thus assigning the points there, or if he's a civil servant of the sort who would remain even should the government change, in which case those points would have to be assigned to a whole new team. (Does anyone have a photo of the flag looking goofy?) So I'll be reserving judgment on this one for now.

The other victim for today (should I simply say, "so far"?) is Calgary MP Rob Anders. Rob's Parliamentary office sent out a survey to Richmond, asking constituents - not his constituents, but constituents - questions, nominally about crime, that scream "push poll". It includes the soon-to-be-classic: "Do you support homosexual sex marriage?"

Again, I find myself reserving judgment. (Not about the homosexual sex marriage. I'm all for the homosexual sex marriage. Heterosexual sex marriages, as well. Sex marriages are all good.) First off, it was mailed by Rob Anders, MP, not Rob Anders, candidate. That suggests that the mailing had to come out pre-writ, unless the MP in question was exceptionally arrogant and dimwitted. Wait a minute.....

Giving Anders the benefit of the doubt there, believing that he wouldn't abuse his Parliamentary priveleges to send out junk like this during the writ period, means no points. My judgment will be reserved while I delve more deeply. Something about this story doesn't scan.

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